Profil PT Cipta Integrasi Nusantara

Gambar PT Cipta Integrasi Nusantara

Profil Perusahaan / Lembaga: PT Cipta Integrasi Nusantara
Deskripsi Perusahaan / Kelembagaan:

PT Cipta Integrasi Nusantara is a Health Management Information System provider company currently domiciled in Bali. By having reliable and experienced human resources in their field, we strongly believe that we can produce products that are in accordance with the wishes of Business Partners and Users

PT Cipta Integrasi Nusantara itself has 2 products, namely: "Note" and "Memo", where Notes is a Health ERP application that is intended for the needs of Business Partners, while Memos is a health mobile apps platform for the needs of patients (end users). The two products are well integrated with each other so that the resulting information becomes much more complete, fast and accurate and very supportive towards digital transformation

Lokasi: Komplek pertokoan Sahadewa plaza no.10 Jalan Pecatu graha - Kuta Selatan - Badung

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