Profil PT Dharmawangsa Raya (RSKJ Dharmawangsa)
Profil Perusahaan / Lembaga: PT Dharmawangsa Raya (RSKJ Dharmawangsa)
Deskripsi Perusahaan / Kelembagaan:
RSK Dharmawangsa merupakan Private Psychiatric Service tertua di Indonesia (didirikan tahun 1959) fasilitas Rawat Jalan dan Rawat Inap kesehatan jiwa (psikiatri) terlengkap dan terus menjadi lini terdepan untuk penanganan pasien-pasien dengan kasus Psikiatri (gangguan cemas, stress, depresi, skizofrenia dan gangguan mood). Kami selalu berkomitmen untuk memberikan pelayanan yang terbaik bagi para pengguna jasa kami. Bermula dari 1959, ketika Pejabat Gubernur Jakarta Raya Bp. Sjamsuridjal, memberikan ijin penggunaan bangunan Dinas Sosial Jakarta Raya kepada dr. Kusumanto Setyonegoro psikiater, untuk membuka klinik rawat inap pelayanan kesehatan jiwa yaitu RSK Dharmawangsa yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Sanatorium Dharmawangsa. Selanjutnya pada tahun 1960 Gubernur Jakarta Raya Dr. Soemarno Sastroatmodjo memperpanjang ijin penggunaan tetap bangunan Dinas Sosial Jakarta Raya tersebut, kepada dokter Kusumanto Setyonegoro, psikiater. Gubernur DKI H. Ali Sadikin pada tahun 1974 berdasarkan surat ijin Gubernur Dr Soemarno Sasroatmodio memberikan ijin lokasi tidak terbatas pada YKJ Dharmawangsa. Pada tahun 1961, dibentuklah badan hukum Yayasan Kesehatan Jiwa Dharmawangsa (YKJ Dharmawangsa) untuk menaungi pelayanan rumah sakit jiwa swasta pertama di Indonesia, dengan pendirinya :
- Dr. R. Kusumanto Setyonegoro, psikiater sebagai Ketua
- Sulasmi Mudjiati Soedarman, dan
- Bp. Ganda Subrata
Kemudian pada tahun 1966 YKJ Dharmawangsa merubah susunan kepengurusannya menjadi :
- Ketua : Dr. R. Kusumanto Setyonegoro, psikiater
- Sekretaris : Ny. Sulasmi Mudjiati Soedarman
- Bendahara : Bp. Ganda Subrata
- dr. Wartomo Prijosembodo
- dr. Sasanto Wibisono
- Pembantu Let Kol. Mohamad Isa Idris
- Komodor. dr. R. Abdullah Tjiptoprawiro
- Kol. dr. Amino Gondohutomo, psikiater
Baru sejak tahun 1986 kepengurusan YKJ Dharmawangsa berganti :
- Ketua : Prof. DR. dr. R. Kusumanto Setyonegoro, SpKJ
- Sekretaris : dr. Sasanto Wibisono, SpKJ
- Bendahara : dr. Wartomo Prijosembodo, SpKJ
- Bp. Ganda Subrata
- Ny. Sulasmi Mudjiati Soedarman
- Pembantu Brig.Jen Mohamad Isa Idris
- Laksamana Muda dr. R. Abdullah Tjiptoprawiro
Pada tahun 2004 sesuai peraturan yang berlaku, badan hukum operasional RSK Dharmawangsa (Unit Sanatorium Dharmawangsa) berubah dari Yayasan Kesehatan Jiwa Dharmawangsa menjadi PT. Dharmawangsa Raya sebagai institusi operasional RSK Dharmawangsa (Unit Sanatorium Dharmawangsa).
Presiden Direktur PT. Dharmawangsa Raya :
Didi Kusumanto, SE, MBA
Direktur PT Dharmawangsa Raya
Dir. Sistem & Perkembangan :
Eliza Sasanto, SE
Dir. Ops & Umum :
Ir. Ari Mahatmanto
Dir. Perkembangan Internal :
Ratnawati Prijosembodo
RSKJ Dharmawangsa is a private-run mental health hospital in South Jakarta. Providing out-patient polyclinics and 30-bed in-patient facilities, RSKJ Dharmawangsa covers more than 2,000 square-meter site in a luscious green residential area, while also strategically located close to office and shopping centers. This strategic and easily accessible location supports the role of RSKJ Dharmawangsa as the center for references on mental health care, providing services related to Psychiatric and Psychological needs for all ages. With the commitment to become a “True Partner Towards a Quality Life”, RSKJ Dharmawangsa continues to develop to provide optimum mental health services for the community, and aims to be at the forefront of the mental health sector as well as to become the most preferred choice in the field.
RSKJ Dharmawangsa currently has 16 Psychiatrists and 2 Psychologists, well-versed in their respective sub-specialties, providing the best and appropriate services and treatments through the following services:
- Clinical Psychiatry (covering mental health treatments for all ages, including for the elderly as well as for children and adolescents)
- Clinical Psychology and Corporate Psychology (covering recruitment process, aptitude tests and hypnotherapy)
- Dissemination of information on Psychiatry and mental health through off-line forums and online media for the general public and medical practitioners
- Counseling programs for communities & schools about mental health and Psychiatric disorders.
Historical Highlights
RSKJ Dharmawangsa is the first and oldest private Mental Health Hospital in Indonesia which was initiated by Prof. DR. Dr. Kusumanto Setyonegoro, Sp.KJ(K) (then Dr. Kusumanto Setyonegoro, Psychiatrist) to help develop Psychiatry, which at the time was still part of Medical Science which did not receive enough attention. The idea to form a Foundation to foster the establishment of a private Mental Health Hospital was initially supported by a number of prominent figures of psychiatrists, psychologists and neurologists, but they were not available to take part in the implementation due to their own duties as well as assignments or moving abroad.
With the support of Mrs. Sulasmi Mudjiati Soedarman and Mr. Gan Tik Bie, an In-patient Psychiatric Clinic, which was later known as Sanatorium Dharmawangsa, was developed and officially occupied the location on Jalan Dharmawangsa since 6 June 1961.
Further development into a Hospital was made possible with the involvement of Dr. Wartomo Prijosembodo, Sp.KJ (then Dr. Siek Sian Kong) and Prof. Dr. Sasanto Wibisono, Sp.KJ(K) (then Dr. Sasanto Wibisono), who along with Prof. Kusumanto, Mrs. Soedarman and Mr. Gan Tik Bie founded Yayasan Kesehatan Jiwa Dharmawangsa (Dharmawangsa Mental Health Foundation / YKJ Dharmawangsa) as the managing institution for the Hospital.
Starting in 2012, YKJ Dharmawangsa transformed into PT Dharmawangsa Raya as the Company overseeing the operational activities of RSKJ Dharmawangsa.
To become a comprehensive, professional, humane and leading mental health care center in Indonesia.
- Providing comprehensive mental health services performed by the personnel with scientific educational background, professionalism and high morality
- Assisting in the improvement of the quality of life of our patients and their families
- Fostering scientific contribution through educational programs
- Enhancing public awareness on mental health issues