Profil Kusuma Medical Center
Profil Perusahaan / Lembaga - Kusuma Medical Center
Deskripsi Perusahaan / Kelembagaan
Kusuma Medical Center was founded by dr. Lengkung Kusumo and started running his business which is engaged in health services since 2010 in Batu Kajang, East Kalimantan. The advantages and added value of Kusuma Medical Center lies in the innovations carried out in order to satisfy all its customers. To support the service and application of the concept of one-stop integrated service, various cutting-edge facilities are provided, up-to-date knowledge, professional resources and excellent facilities managed by selected and experienced management in their fields.
Layanan kesehatan satu atap yang berdiri di Batu Kajang, Kalimantan Timur sejak 2011 dan sudah bekerja sama dengan berbagai perusahaan dan asuransi. Kusuma Medical Center melayani : Poli Umum, Poli Gigi, Poli Spesialis, Medical Check Up (MCU), Apotek 24 jam, Fisioterapi, Bidan, UGD 24 JAM, Rawat Inap, Laboratorium, Radiologi, Pemeriksaan penunjang lain : spirometri, EKG, Treadmill dll Didukung oleh tenaga medis dan non medis yang profesional serta dilengkapi dengan peralatan medis yang modern dan lengkap, kami berusahan memberikan yg terbaik karena KESEHATAN ANDA PRIORITAS KAMI.