Profil Carnegie School

Gambar Carnegie School

Profil Perusahaan / Lembaga - Carnegie School
Deskripsi Perusahaan / Kelembagaan

Carnegie School is a school that prioritizes character education from an early age. So that students will have a good manners and character. Students are also taught to be filial and respect to their parents, because we believe that good character is as important as the education.

School is not a place just to gain knowledge. On 14th & 15th March 2020 Carnegie School held an Inbound Training (Summer Camp Event) for students by staying overnight at the school.

In this inbound Training, the children learn to live independently without their parents, Learn to be responsible with their personal belongings, cooperate and help each other in cleaning the bed and its surroundings.

And at the end of the event we invited all parents to give our students an opportunity to wash  their parent's feet.

This kind of education often has forgotten by many of people nowadays. So, Let’s say and show you love to your parents without hesitate.

Hopefully this year's Inbound Training can provide benefits so that our children will not only excel in the academic, but also have a good character and are devoted to the parents who have given birth to them.

Carnegie School also implements Active Learning in its learning the students will not only learn passively. Students are also able to develop their abilities. Carnegie School also provides Field Trips, Outbound Training, Outdoor Camps, Majoring Classes, Summer Camps, and You are Wonderful Parents Events, Music Concerts, School Events, Competitions, Self Development Class and other activities for students.

The purpose of school is to prepare students for life beyond school. Carnegie school helps advance students by incorporating learning experiences outside the classroom.

Because human excels in different areas, students can choose their passionate subject through majoring class. This majoring class can help enrich a student's educational experience by showing them real-life applications.

History of Carnegie School

  • 2005 - now: Stanford International Pre School PG - TK; Jl. Madong Lubis No.64 Medan
  • 2014 - now: Carnegie School TK- SD-SMP-SMA; Yang Lim Building (Building A) 1st and 2nd Floor, (Building B) Ground Floor, Jalan Emas No.10, Medan
  • 2022 - now: Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Carnegie, Jalan Emas No.10, Medan
Lokasi: Yanglim Plaza, Jl. Emas, Sei Rengas II, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia