Profil PT Mane indonesia

Gambar PT Mane indonesia

Profil Perusahaan / Lembaga - PT. Mane indonesia
Deskripsi Perusahaan / Kelembagaan

PT Mane Indonesia adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam industri flavour & fragrances. Merupakan kantor cabang perusahaan asing bernama V Mane Fils yang berpusat di negara Perancis. PT. Mane indonesia adalah perusahaan produksi bahan wangi dari bunga dan tanaman daerah. Sejak saat itu, penyulingan kecil yang berhasil tumbuh menjadi salah satu perusahaan Flavors and Fragrances terkemuka di seluruh dunia, terus dijalankan oleh keluarga MANE. Putra Victor Eugène dan Gabriel memodernisasi dan mengembangkan bisnis internasional. Maurice MANE mengambil alih dari ayahnya Eugène pada tahun 1959. Di bawah kepemimpinannya, Perusahaan meningkatkan kapasitas produksinya, mendirikan laboratorium penelitian dan analisis, melakukan diversifikasi di industri makanan dan mengembangkan jaringan anak perusahaan internasionalnya.

Established in 1871, MANE has continually been run by the MANE family. An unchallenged legitimacy, based upon experience and transmission of heritage and values. Since our company is rooted in the emblematic terroir of Provence, we are naturally sensitive to local cultures. As we are independent, we have developed a sincere entrepreneurial spirit, thus a freedom to think out of the box. This makes us unique. Therefore, we want to be a different partner, committed to do more, in a different way.

Our commitment to reducing our impact on the environment has guided us in not only complying with, but also actively promoting, regulations that foster sustainable manufacturing. One significant instance of this is REACH, established by the E.U. in 2007 to improve human health and the environment through more vigilant regulation of chemical substances. By placing greater responsibility in the hands of manufacturers and importers to understand and manage potential risks associated with their products, REACH strives to limit or prohibit the use of toxic substances and ensure consumer safety.

Since REACH’s inception, MANE has worked hand in hand with industry leaders to prepare for, as well as implement, the technical and regulatory requirements that this legislation entails. To further evidence the company’s unyielding commitment to this environmental and health-related initiative, a multidisciplinary REACH committee has been established within MANE, comprised of our Purchasing department, safety engineer, chemical process manager and toxicologist, as well as our Regulatory department. Together, they work to promote ecological and health standards throughout the entirety of our supply chain.

Lokasi: Blok V-66, Cikarang Industrial Estate, Jl. Jababeka XVI, Pasirgombong, Kec. Cikarang Utara, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530