Profil PT Badak Natural Gas Liquefaction (Badak LNG)
Profil Perusahaan / Lembaga - PT. Badak Natural Gas Liquefaction (Badak LNG)
Deskripsi Perusahaan / Kelembagaan
A Member of Subholding Upstream Pertamina! Badak LNG Plant is one of 2 liquid natural gas plants that supporting Indonesian LNG business, located in Bontang, East Kalimantan. The name of Badak was derived from location of the first gas pit found to supply gas to Badak LNG plant. The construction was initiated in mid 1974 and about 36 months later, on July 5, 1977, the LNG was produced from the first LNG Train, namely Train A. The plant was officially inaugurated on August 1, and the first Indonesia LNG shipment was departed from Bontang on August 9, 1977 by LNG Aquarius tanker with destination Senboku, Japan.
The Badak LNG Project began when HUFFCO, a Production Sharing Contractor (PSC) of Pertamina, discovered a huge natural gas reserve at Badak Field, East Kalimantan in February 1972. On November 26, 1974, PT Badak NGL, a non-profit company with the Shareholders of Pertamina, VICO and JILCO was set up. This company is entrusted to operate and maintain the Badak LNG Plant.
In 1980, construction commenced on Train C and D as LNG demand increased from the Japanese buyers. The of the LPG extraction facilities in 1988. The refrigerated LPG production is also dedicated to Japanese export.
Due to the continuous increase of LNG demand in Japan, Taiwan, and Korea, then Train E was constructed in 1987-1989, while Train F was constructed in 1991-1993. Since 1992 some LNG productions from this LNG Plant have also been exported to South Korea.
The development of the Badak LNG Plant had been continued by the construction of the Train G that was completed in 1997 and Train H which was completed in the end of 1999. By 8 train's operation, the production capacity is able to reach into ± 22.5 million tons LNG/year.
In entering the third millenniums, the Badak LNG plant has developed and able to produce the biggest LNG production in the world. Up to December 13, 2011, Badak LNG plant had shipped the 8,000 LNG cargoes. To maintain buyers’ confidence for gas reserve quantity, a 42” pipe line is added. Four parallel pipelines which able to ship 3,600 million standard cubic feet (MMSCFD) natural gas to the plant for further process.
Finally, Badak LNG plant become one of LNG plants with great experience in the world LNG industry, and become a vital asset for Indonesian LNG business chain. With all abilities, and experience for more than 40 years in producing LNG, Badak LNG ready to face any challenge in the 21st century, with strong and continuous support from all parties involved in LNG business.
Excellent and Global LNG Operations and Services
Manage and Develop Effective and Efficient LNG Facilities Operations based on International Standard, built upon Security, Safety, Reliability, and Profitability.
Terletak di Bontang, Kalimantan Timur, kilang Badak LNG merupakan salah satu kilang penghasil gas alam cair yang mendukung bisnis LNG Indonesia. Dengan mengedepankan inovasi, Badak LNG terus berupaya memproduksi energi bersih serta mengelolanya dengan standar kinerja terbaik. Dukungan sumber daya manusia yang profesional membuat Badak LNG menjadi pengelola kilang yang handal serta menjadi referensi industri LNG dunia.
Profesionalisme dan kehandalan mengoperasikan kilang dibuktikan Badak LNG dengan pencapaian lebih dari 110 juta jam kerja aman sejak 2006. Dunia internasional pun turut mengapresiasi kinerja Badak LNG dengan pemberian sertifikasi ISRS 8 level 8 dari lembaga Der Norske Veritas (DNV) Norwegia. Badak LNG merupakan perusahaan oil & gas pertama di dunia yang meraihnya. Prestasi ini membuat Badak LNG mendapat predikat sebagai "Center of Excellence"
Beragam pencapaian yang telah diraih Badak LNG diimbangi dengan dedikasi tinggi Perusahaan untuk memberdayakan masyarakat sekitar. Melalui sejumlah program Community Development seperti Pengelolaan Sampah Berbasis Masyarakat dengan usaha pencacahan sampah plastik, Konservasi Mangrove dan Kawasan Laut, serta Pelatihan Tata Busana Badak LNG memberi peluang mengembangkan kemandirian dan kreatifitas masyarakat Bontang.