Profil PT Super Unggas Jaya
In 1997, Cheil Jedang Indonesia (CJ Indonesia) venture into the chicken breeding business in response to the growing demands for healthy, high quality chick. CJ Indonesia established it's first breeding farm and hatchery with a production capacity of 20 milion day old chick per year in Ngembal, Tutur East Java, under the company name PT. Super Unggas jaya concentrating on high performance with all aspects of the breeding operations, PT. Super Unggas Jaya branded its product as "Superchicks". As the demand for its high quality chicks grew in the major poultry producing areas around the country, PT.Super Unggas Jaya Embark on a systematic expansion in 1999 and has, to his writing, established nine other poultry breeding operation in East Java. West Java, and East Kalimantan with a total production capacity 54 milion day old chicks per year eventually, CJ Indonesia envisions its expansion in all aspects of the poultry breeding, and Poultry meat processing.
PT Super Unggas Jaya (SUJA) yang berdiri sejak 14 Juni 1995 merupakan perusahaan PMA (Penanaman Modal Asing) asal Korea Selatan bagian dari group CJ Feed & Care yang bergerak di bidang usaha peternakan unggas. PT SUJA memproduksi telur tetas (HE - Hatching Egg), bibit ayam unggul umur sehari (DOC - Day Old Chick), ayam broiler atau ayam pedaging hidup (livebird), daging ayam potong (karkas, parting, boneless) hingga daging ayam olahan seperti daging ayam marinasi dan bakso daging ayam.