Profil Falentra Group
Profil Perusahaan / Lembaga - Falentra Group
Deskripsi Perusahaan / Kelembagaan
We are integrated urban water management company. We strived to maintain high ethical standards, supplying products and services that provide value to our customers.
Falentra Group (used to be CV. Famili and more commonly known as PT. Famili Kita) was first established as a general supplier and contractor company, offering technical products to mostly government projects.
Today we offer carefully selected products and services for integrated urban water management, especially the water utility segment.
By putting our clients’ necessity at the top of our concern, we are continuously striving to improve our skills and expertise in order to be an even better Solution-Provider for them
Our Vision
- To create better quality of life through sustainable water.
Our Mission
- Become a One Stop Solution for integrated urban water management technology
- Delivering an efficient, optimized and guaranteed water solution with high level after-sales service
We Serve Better
- By giving our best effort to accommodate our clients’ demands, We pride ourselves by prioritizing our clients’ needs as the centre of everything we do.
The Smart Solutions
- We aim to deliver the most ideal solutions in a complete package through our products. Providing a “stress-free” process with the support of our dedicated and experienced personnel’s to help our clients since day one. Which involves on-site survey, planning and design, fabrication, delivery, up to installation and warranty process on all of our solutions.
Message From Founder
“Ever since its stablishment in 1988, Falentra Group has strived to maintain high ethical standards, supplying products and services that provide value to our customers, and become a company trusted and chosen by all of its stakeholders, with the motto of “We serve better”. Falentra Group is currently focusing on leveraging its strengths in a complete Water Solutions. Through these business activities, Falentra remains committed to collaborate closely with each and every one of its stakeholders to create “sustainable water supply” based on value that helps ensure safety, security, efficiency and longevity, enabling people and business to live more abundant lives.
Going forward, we will aim to establish a corporate culture in which every member of Falentra Group possesses the spirit of self-help and takes initiative in carefully assessing societal and customer expectations, considering what can be done to meet these expectations, taking appropriate action, and providing value, as well as to build stronger relationships of trust with all of our stakeholders.
Last but not least, we would like to express our gratitude to all of our clients and partners for your trust and commitment towards our work. We look forward to your continued support and patronage.
J.J. Chung
Founder of Falentra Group