Profil PT Ciawenindo Mitra Perkasa
PT. Ciawenindo Mitra Perkasa (PT CMP) adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang General contractor, steel structure fabrication, Mechanical Electrical Engineering, termasuk Instalasi listrik/air, perpipaan, jalan dan jembatan. Perusahaan ini didirikan dengan visi menjadikan PT. CMP sebagai salah satu perusahaan kontraktor yang senantiasa bekerja keras untuk menjadi mitra terpercaya. PT. Ciawenindo didirikan oleh Nyonya Nining Yuningsih pada tanggal 10 Januari 2005. Dihadapan Tuan Haji Irfan Ardiansyah, Sarjana Hukum, Lex Legibus Magister, Notaris di Bekasi. Adapun maksud dan tujuan perseroan ini adalah Menjalankan usaha dalam bidang pembangunan dan kontruksi baik sebagai pemborong bangunan/kontraktor, perencanaan, pelaksanaan, maupun pembuatan gedung-gedung, jembatan-jembatan, jalan-jalan, pengairan,survey dan pemetaan, baik dengan langsung maupun tidak langsung yang berhubungan dengan itu dan dalam arti kata yang seluas-luasnya.
Established since 5 May 2005, Ciawenindo is a GENERAL CONTRACTOR company in the field of Mechanical, Electrically, Civil, and Architectual. Through the process of professional adulthood, companies are striving to be the best in competed in Indonesia’s construction services. PT. CIAWENINDO MITRA PERKASA is a full service general contractor providing design and build services for our clients. We commit to build our clients’ vision by providing excellent quality and services that exceeds your expectations. We also engaged with reliable partners and subcontractors who will give valuable insights and services. Our experts and engineers who have more than 20 years experience have built a good record of integrity, expertise and customer satisfaction in Indonesia construction industry.
“Become the largest company in construction sector and to be leading by providing a commitment to customer satisfaction on quality and time also providing the best service with continuously”
- We always stand behind our vision and have a purpose to serve our client’s needs are a priority first and responsive to the needs of our clients.
- Building strong relationships for the long term.
- Increase our knowledge with the latest building technology.
- Develop design creativity and friendly green building construction environment and by paying attention safe work environment.
- Maintain a corporate culture which includes integrity, loyalty, dedication and respect.
- Provide a learning environment sustainable for our team so they can grow and improve individual knowledge.