Profil Celcius Foundation (Cfound)
Profil Perusahaan / Lembaga: Celcius Foundation (Cfound)
Deskripsi Perusahaan / Kelembagaan:
CELCIUS FOUNDATION or Cfound was born out of concern for the people's economy, which is increasingly difficult to show its empowerment. Cfound's focus is to build an economy with the 'Circle System' owned by Cfound
Circle System', one of which is in the form of an empowerment system that is driven from the results of Waqf, and ZIS, which is given to beneficiaries who have the desire to develop the people's economy
Cfound is also active in channeling to create 'The Next Leader' through developing human resources through opportunities and improving the quality of education, as well as assistance programs for the poor such as the elderly, the elderly, and orphans.
Cfound is also active in environmental preservation which is synergized with people's economic programs.
Our Goals
Become a reference for Dhuafa Empowerment Institutions in Building Civilization