Profil PT Dutapalma Nusantara (Darmex Agro Group)

Gambar PT Dutapalma Nusantara (Darmex Agro Group)

Established in Jakarta in 1987 through its subsidiary PT. Dutapalma Nusantara, PT. Darmex Agro has become one of the largest palm oil cultivation, production, exporting group in Indonesia. As one of the pioneering group of companies, Darmex Agro played an important role in making Indonesia the biggest Palm Oil producing country in the world. Since its inception, the company has expanded rapidly in acquiring lands for palm oil cultivation, establishing mills and refinery to satisfy the world's tremendous demand for the commodity. Currently, our plantations are located in Riau and Kalimantan. With a total of 8 palm oil mills in Pekanbaru, Jambi and Kalimantan, total production of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) is around 36,000 Mt each month. A large portion of the produce are being reprocessed at our refineries to create other derivatives such as cooking oil, soap noodle, RBD stearin and PFAD etc.

While Darmex Agro's core business in Palm Oil Mills, Plantation and Refinery, it's portfolio has expanded to include various processing and storage facilities as well as shipping infrastructure. The swift expansion of PT. Darmex Agro in these various fields allows it the extensively integrate the complex processes in supplying high quality palm based derivatives in a timely and efficient manner. Headquartered in Jakarta, Darmex Agro currently employs more than 13,000 staff in Indonesia. In 2008, the Company consolidated its subsidiaries to increase the Company ownership up to 95%, this corporate move is part of Darmex strategy to achieve its target on growth.

Pada awalnya PT. Dutapalma Nusantara memulai Eksistensi di industry kelapa sawit sejak tahun 1987 Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit pertama milik PT. Dutapalma Nusantara di buka di Kuantan Hilir, Kuantan Tengah, Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu, Provinsi Riau. Seiring perjalanan waktu, PT. Dutapalma Nusantara melakukan ekspansi baik dibidang Perkebunan beserta produk turunannya. Dengan total luas lahan mencapai 14.000 ha, PT. Dutapalma Nusantara makin memperkuat posisi sebagai salah satu pioneer di dunia industry kelapa sawit Indonesia.

Pengembangan usaha terintegrasi akan terus dilakukan oleh PT. Dutapalma Nusantara, dengan meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas hasil perkebunan secara berkesinambungan dan berkelanjutan. Dengan partisifasi PT. Dutapalma Nusantara sebagai ordinary member of RSPO di tahun 2007, sebagai wujud komitmen terhadap minyak sawit berkelanjut. Adanya peningkatan kualitas dan kuantitas produksi tidak luput dengan partisipasi seluruh factor dan komitmen produksi. Wujud komitmen ini dilaksanakan dengan sertifikasi ISO 9001:2008 yaitu proses standarisasi mutu/kualitas untuk produk dan jasa sesuai dengan standarisasi internasional.

Lokasi: Jl. R.A. Kartini No.21, RT.9/RW.14, Pd. Pinang, Kec. Kby. Lama, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12440