Profil PT Este Indoniaga
Company Overview
PT Este Indoniaga, kami perusahaan bergerak di bidang alat berat yang sedang berkembang membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk bergabung bersama kami.
PT Este Indoniaga is the Sole Agent for XJ Schindler Escalator and Elevator in Indonesia.
Our Vision
To provide quality product and serve wholeheartedly in order to create a harmonious partnerships.
Our Mission
UNDERSTANDING - Understand what our customers need by listening to their desires and needs. Identify and provide installation and after-sales care.
COOPERATING - We work together with our clients in order to add value to the relationship.
GROWING - Learning from our experience and growing into a better company as time progresses.
EVOLVING - Creating a change management system that ensures a positive improvement in terms of financial, material, personnel and management from time to time.
FRIENDLY - Provide outstanding customer service to our customers in order to create harmony with our business partners.