Profil PT Intraco Penta Tbk

Gambar PT Intraco Penta Tbk

Profil Perusahaan / Lembaga - PT Intraco Penta Tbk
Deskripsi Perusahaan / Kelembagaan

PT Intraco Penta Tbk (INTA) bergerak dalam bidang perdagangan dan penyewaan konstruksi / alat berat, penyediaan jasa pertambangan dan pembiayaan, teknik dan infrastruktur, serta pembangkit listrik. Didirikan pada tahun 1970 di Jakarta sebagai usaha perdagangan suku cadang bernama Intraco. Menjadi perseroan terbatas pada tahun 1975 dan berganti nama menjadi PT Intraco Penta. Selama bertahun-tahun dipercaya banyak perusahaan untuk memperdagangkan dan mendistribusikan alat-alat berat. Perusahaan melakukan IPO pada Agustus 1993. Perusahaan mengakuisisi Intan Baruprana Finance pada tahun 2003, kemudian memasukkan pembiayaan alat berat ke dalam lini bisnisnya.

Having been in this business for forty five years, INTA has won the trust of its principals, including well-known heavy equipment manufacturers VOLVO, Sinotruk, Doosan, Bobcat, Mahindra Tractors and SDLG Loader and its customers, which comprise companies in the mining, construction / infrastructure, forestry, agro-business, oil and gas, and general industries. INTA has capitalized on the trust it has built with its principals and customers by positioning itself as a Company that offers the highest quality products and reliable services.

A large number of product lines distributed by INTA are leaders in market penetration. CINTA (Collaborative, Innovative, Network, Trustworthy, and Assurance) is the values that are closely attached to all of INTA Group employees. INTA Group employees are able to: Building professional and friendly relationship, being a pioneer and agent of change, expanding network and partnership, being able to be trusted and to keep confidential information, and always have faith on each other. CINTA itself is a symbol, that in every corner of our company, in every person, in every room and office, in every branch, and in every relation with our customers, principals, and prospect, CINTA (love) can be found.

Lokasi: Jl. Cakung Cilincing KM 3.5, Jakarta - 14130, INDONESIA