Profil PT Modular Kuliner Indonesia (Hangry)
Profil Perusahaan / Lembaga - PT. Modular Kuliner Indonesia (Hangry)
Deskripsi Perusahaan / Kelembagaan
Hangry is a multi-brand virtual restaurant company, focusing on serving great foods through food delivery channels. We own several food brands ranging from fried-chicken to coffee. We focus in designing foods that are very tasty, consistent, and affordable to the mass market. All our recipes have gone through tons of testing to make sure each bite is really delicious.
Founded in 2019, we've grown from an unknown local player to a company that competes head-to-head with global brands. Hangry is not just a place for great food, but also a place for HangryMates to build remarkable careers. We are a place full of people that embrace fun, challenge, ambitious goals, and collaborative working environment.
Why is Our Name Hangry? It's for everyone in our team to be reminded everyday that our customers are hungry and angry, so the food better be good and reach fast. We got our new funding in March 2022 US$22 million Series A2 Fundraising led by Journey Capital Partners.
Our brands:
- Moon Chicken by Hangry
- San Gyu by Hangry
- Dari Pada by Hangry
- Ayam Koplo by Hangry
Dibangun pada tahun 2019, Hangry hadir sebagai jawaban untuk berbagai momen “mau makan apa?” dengan membangun multi-brand restoran cepat saji yang menjual beragam jenis kuliner lokal hingga mancanegara
Per bulan Maret 2022, kami telah memiliki 5 brand dengan rating rata-rata 4.8/5 di berbagai platform pesan online dan >70 outlet yang tersebar di Jabodetabek, Bandung, Semarang, dan Surabaya
Menjadi bagian dari kehidupan masyarakat global sehari-hari
Menghadirkan kebahagiaan di tiap momen makan dan minum masyarakat