Profil PT Sinar Mahkota Mas

Gambar PT Sinar Mahkota Mas

Profil Perusahaan / Lembaga - PT. Sinar Mahkota Mas
Deskripsi Perusahaan / Kelembagaan

PT Sinar Mahkota Mas is a company engaged in tobacco product processing and cigarette production located in Malang City, East Java. Starting from a small-scale cigarette company (PR) business entity, the founders are determined to make their cigarettes known and can compete in the cigarette distribution arena both at national and international levels.

With a building with an area of approximately 500 m2, one maker machine and one packer machine and only 50 employees, the products of this company began to be known and taken into account. This "Armour" was chosen to be a brand or 2 brands from this PR with a new warrior philosophy that emerged to fight in the world of Indonesian cigarettes. After spreading our wings in various regions in Indonesia with increasingly even distribution, our cigarettes were welcomed and increased in demand. From here we dare to take bold steps to expand our production sites and replace our business entities to a higher level. On August 19, 2020 we started a new chapter with greater expectations with PT.Sinar Mahkota Mas.

Sinar Mahkota Mas salah satu produsen r0k0k yang sedang berkembang di Malang, Indonesia. Saat ini kami telah memproduksi 9 produk yaitu 7 produk SKM dan 2 produk SKT. Produk kami meliputi r0k0k kretek, filter, dan bold. Kami menjaga kualitas dan ketersediaan material, dengan memilih partner yang berpengalaman dan terpercaya menangani bisnis r0k0k domestik atau asing. Kami juga berkomitmen terus membangun SDM yang unggul, produk yang berkualitas dan terus berinovasi terkait produk maupun teknologi untuk menunjang kualitas dan pencapaian cita-cita perusahaan. (Ganti angka 0 dengan huruf O)

Lokasi: Jl. Bandulan Bar. No.37, Bandulan, Kec. Sukun, Kota Malang, Jawa Timur 65146