Profil PT Teknologi Migo Indonesia

Gambar PT Teknologi Migo Indonesia

Profil Perusahaan / Lembaga - PT. Teknologi Migo Indonesia
Deskripsi Perusahaan / Kelembagaan


PT. Teknologi Migo Indonesia (Migo) adalah platform digital yang menyediakan berbagai konten digital, hiburan dan pendidikan, yang dapat diakses sepuasnya gak pake kuota, gak pake iklan, dan gak pake lemot.

Migo ingin memberikan pengalaman baru bagi masyarakat dalam mengakses layanan hiburan dan pendidikan, dan kami ingin mengajak kamu untuk berkreasi bersama menjalankan misi tersebut dengan meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan. Kesempatan ini terbuka bagi siapa saja tanpa batasan usia, suku, ras, dan agama. Keunikan dan kreatifitas dirimu akan menjadi kekuatan penting dalam berkarir di Migo dan mencapai target kita bersama. ​

Cara baru nonton film gak pake kuota

Tinggal ke Warung Migo

Sudah ada di:

  • Tebet
  • Jatinegara
  • Setiabudi
  • Bekasi
  • dll

Migo levels the digital playing field for 3 billion under-innovated consumers – bringing the best bits of the internet to the corner store, across the emerging world.

After bringing reading into the digital era, Kindle tech inventor Barrett Comiskey built Migo’s disruptive unique ecosystem solution to provide affordable access to digital products and services. Backed by Temasek, YouTube’s Co-Founding CTO, blue chip VCs, and key industry insiders, Migo delivers data up to 100 times cheaper than existing networks, and that cost advantage is growing.

Migo launched in Indonesia in 2020. Migo’s initial product is sachet passes providing customers access to entertainment and education at convenient neighborhood clouds (aka Migo Download Stations/MDS). Migo today has over 500 MDS locations and is rapidly scaling.

In September 2021, MNC Vision Networks (MVN), a subsidiary of leading media conglomerate MNC Group, invested $40 million for a minority stake in Migo Indonesia, accelerating Migo Indonesia’s rollout to reach 100 million Indonesians across Java by end of 2022. Prior to the investment, Migo Indonesia became the core distributor of Vision+ (MVN’s OTT) content, by launching Vision+ on Migo to deliver a tailored experience to offline consumers.

In addition to its cornerstone partnership with Vision+, Migo Indonesia also carries entertainment content from a range of top local and international producers, and education content from the best Indonesian EdTech players, as well from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology.

Lokasi: KPP PRATAMA, Graha Bin Hasan, Jl. KH Abdullah Syafei No.3, RT.003/RW.9, Bukit Duri, Kec. Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12840