Profil Sekolah Tunas Unggul Bandung

Gambar Sekolah Tunas Unggul Bandung

Sekolah Tunas Unggul adalah sekolah berbasis Islam yang memiliki visi Menjadi sekolah unggul yang melahirkan pribadi berkarakter, berakhlak mulia, cerdas, terampil, serta berwawasan global. Sekolah Tunas Unggul is a private school located in East Bandung, Indonesia. It was  established in 2002 by Dr. Dadang Suhendar, M.Pd. as the founder of Yayasan Tunas Unggul. We commits to serve education for all students to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. Sekolah Tunas Unggul (STU) has four units: Early Years, Primary, Secondary, and High School. We strive to ensure that all students learn, flourish and become part of a supportive and friendly community and make each day a new adventure for our students, stretching their minds and perspectives to become active, global citizens. Sekolah Tunas Unggul was established as a manifestation of a noble desire to civilize the nation’s children and prepare them to have adequate knowledge, attitudes, and skills as provisions for their future. Sekolah Tunas Unggul has designed a modern learning concept that prioritizes the best service according to children’s development. Learning is conducted in a comprehensive and multi-method manner. Learning is also explorative through a scientific approach. While the assessment uses authentic assessment. Sekolah Tunas Unggul is committed to maintaining children’s nature as the first and main focus of education. We realize this through character-based education by instilling spiritual values, compassion, caring, cooperation, helping, tolerance, and independence.

Sekolah Tunas Unggul strives to educate children proportionally through balanced learning, both aspects of intelligence, emotional, and spiritual. In the aspect of self-development, children are given extracurricular activities that support the strengthening of soft skills, as well as hard skills. Sekolah Tunas Unggul always strives to improve the quality of education through improving the educational components, such as teacher professionalism, infrastructure, a conducive learning environment, and a curriculum that is responsive to environmental changes and children’s needs. It aims to ensure that children receive the best service in school.

Visi Sekolah:
Membangun siswa unggul secara spiritual, emosional, dan intelektual yang mampu beradaptasi dan berkontribusi di lingkungan global.

Misi kami adalah memberikan pendidikan yang berkualitas guna:

  1. menumbuhkan keimananan, ketaqwaan dan akhlak mulia;
  2. mengembangkan kepedulian diri dan sosial;
  3. meningkatkan pengetahuan, wawasan dan daya kritis;
  4. menguatkan kemampuan literasi bahasa, numerasi, teknologi, dan komunikasi; dan
  5. menumbuhkan semangat belajar sepanjang hayat sebagai bagian dari kehidupan global.
Lokasi: Jl. Pasir Impun No. 94 Kel. Pasir Impun Kec. Mandalajati, Kota Bandung 40195

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