Profil Teduh Mental Health Indonesia

Gambar Teduh Mental Health Indonesia

Profil Perusahaan / Lembaga: Teduh Mental Health Indonesia
Deskripsi Perusahaan / Kelembagaan:

Hadir sebagai solusi kesehatan mental Anda!

Teduh is a startup striving to solve Indonesia's mental health crisis.

We provide psychology resources tailored for the Indonesian audience by considering factors such as culture, religion, stigma, and ideology. These resources include online therapy and telemedicine, mindfulness meditation, self-help therapy courses, mood tracker, etc. Teduh seeks to be a one stop solution for Southeast Asians’ mental health needs through an innovative, sustainable and customer-centric manner.

Our Vision
Our vision is a world in which everyone’s psychological and personal developmental needs are taken care of, without being beholden to cultural stigma.

Our Mission
To be a one stop solution for Southeast Asians’ mental health needs — to be a pillar of support, a confidant that they turn to in times of trouble — through an innovative, sustainable and customer-centric manner.

Lokasi: Menara Cakrawala 12th Floor Unit 5A, Jl. M.H. Thamrin, Menteng Jakarta Pusat 10340