Profil YKK Group

Gambar YKK Group

Profil Perusahaan / Lembaga: YKK Group
Deskripsi Perusahaan / Kelembagaan:

YKK Group adalah sebuah perusahaan manufaktur asal Jepang. Sebagai produsen ritsleting terbesar di dunia, YKK Group pun paling terkenal berkat produk ritsletingnya. Perusahaan ini juga membuat produk perekat lain, produk arsitektural, perangkat keras plastik, dan permesinan industri.

Di Indonesia, YKK memiliki PT YKK Zipper Indonesia, PT Andityawarman, PT YKK Zipco Indonesia, dan PT YKK Fasco Indonesia. YKK memiliki sekitar sepuluh pabrik di Jabotabek. (sumber: wikipedia)

YKK Group companies seek to delight our customers, earn the high regard of society and make our employees happy and proud. We are improving the quality of our products, technology, and management as the means to achieve this. We make fairness the fundamental standard for all YKK Group business operations, and this is the basis for our management decisions.

The YKK Philosophy, which has been passed down since the founding of the company, has always served as the foundation for business activities and has supported the Group's expansion. In 1994, developing the Philosophy in keeping with the times, we launched the Management Principle, "YKK seeks corporate value of higher significance." Since then, we have been promoting the MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLEs and Philosophy throughout our organization so that each employee understands and inherits them in order to ensure their succession down the generations. We have also been expanding our promotion activities in our overseas companies and have further solidified the position of the Management Principles throughout the Group.

Lokasi: Jl. R.P. Soeroso No. 7, Jakarta Pusat 10330, Indonesia